#if WIN32 #define NOMINMAX #endif #include "sockets.h" #include "user_input.h" #include #include "server.h" #include "osyncstream.h" #include "switch_expression.h" /* * auto server(const addrinfo_up& address) noexcept -> void { const auto socket = net::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); net::bind(socket, address); net::listen(socket); std::cout << "[ Server Started ]" << std::endl; //below needs update. do { auto const client = accept(socket, nullptr, nullptr); if (!client) continue; printf("Got a client.\n"); auto operation = net::recv(client); try { switch (std::stoi(operation)) { case 1: net::send(client, net::system("date /t")); break; case 4: net::send(client, net::system("netstat -ant")); break; default: net::send(client, "INVALID INPUT!"); break; } } catch (std::exception&) { net::send(client, "INVALID INPUT!"); } net::send(client, "<=> T123 <=>"); net::closesocket(client); printf("Closed Client\n"); } while (true); } auto client(const addrinfo_up& address) noexcept -> void { while(true) { const auto operation = get_input("Select Command:\n\t1. Date", ""); const auto total_clients = get_input("Input Number of Clients: ", ""); std::vector threads; for(auto i = 0u; i < total_clients; ++i) { const auto prefix = "[client " + std::to_string(i) + "]: "; try { threads.emplace_back(std::thread([=, &address]() { sscout << prefix << "started" << std::endl; const auto socket = net::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); net::connect(socket, address); net::send(socket, std::to_string(operation)); sscout << prefix << "sent command" << std::endl; const auto& response = net::recv(socket); sscout << prefix << "got response\n" << prefix << response << std::endl; net::closesocket(socket); sscout << prefix << "closed" << std::endl; })); } catch (std::exception&) { sscout << prefix << " failed to init " << std::endl; } } for (auto& thread : threads) thread.join(); } } * */ bool onClientConnected(networked& client) { sscout << "Accepted Client on Server.\n"; using namespace std::chrono_literals; auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); //std::this_thread::sleep_for(2000ms); return true; } auto onClientMessaged(networked& client, std::string& message) { sscout << "message was " << message << "\n"; client.send_message("thanks for the message!"); client.disconnect(); return true; } inline auto resolve_selection(const int selection) -> std::string { if (selection == 1) return "Server"; else if (selection == 2) return "Client"; return ""; } int main() { net::prologue(); const auto mode = get_input("Select Mode\n\t1. Server\n\t2. Client\n>:","Invalid Choice!",math::is_between<0,3>); while (true) { std::string ipaddress{}; std::uint16_t port{}; if (mode == 1) ipaddress = ""; else ipaddress = get_input("Enter IP: "); port = get_input("Enter Port:"); sscout << resolve_selection(mode) << " selected, ip/port is " << ipaddress << "/" << port << ".\n"; if (mode == 2) { client net_client{}; net_client.message_received += [](std::string& what){ sscout << "GOT " << what << ".\n"; return true; }; if(net_client.connect(ipaddress, port)) { net_client.send_message("!Hello!\n"); net_client.send_message("Second Message\n"); net_client.send_message("Final Message!\n"); while(net_client.is_valid()){} } else { sscout << "NO NET\n"; } net_client.disconnect(); } } auto listen_server = []() { server srv{}; srv.client_connected += onClientConnected; srv.message_received += onClientMessaged; auto thread = srv.listen("", 80); if(thread.joinable()) { thread.join(); }else{ sscout << "Thread is bad!\n"; } }; net::epilogue(); return 0; /* * const auto selection = get_input("Select Mode\n\t1. Server\n\t2. Client\n>:", "Invalid Choice!", [](const auto x) {return x > 0 && x < 3; }); auto address = std::string(""); auto port = 0_p; addrinfo_up address_binding{}; while(!address_binding.get()) { if (selection == 2) address = get_input("Enter Remote IP (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd): ", ""); port = get_input("Enter Port: ", ""); address_binding = net::getaddrinfo(address, std::to_string(port)); } try { std::cout << "You have selected " << (selection == 1 ? "Server" : "Client") << std::endl; std::cout << "Address: " << address << ":" << port << std::endl; }catch(std::exception&){} if (selection == 2) client(address_binding); else listen_server(address_binding); * */ net::epilogue(); }