#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Script.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "DMAudio.h" #include "Hud.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "PlayerInfo.h" #include "PlayerPed.h" #include "Pools.h" #include "Population.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "User.h" #include "Weather.h" #include "World.h" uint8 (&CTheScripts::ScriptSpace)[160 * 1024] = *(uint8(*)[160 * 1024])*(uintptr*)0x74B248; CTextLine (&CTheScripts::IntroTextLines)[2] = *(CTextLine (*)[2])*(uintptr*)0x70EA74; CScriptRectangle (&CTheScripts::IntroRectangles)[16] = *(CScriptRectangle (*)[16])*(uintptr*)0x72D108; CSprite2d (&CTheScripts::ScriptSprites)[16] = *(CSprite2d(*)[16])*(uintptr*)0x72B090; bool &CTheScripts::DbgFlag = *(bool*)0x95CD87; uint32 &CTheScripts::OnAMissionFlag = *(uint32*)0x8F2A24; int32 &CTheScripts::StoreVehicleIndex = *(int32*)0x8F5F3C; bool &CTheScripts::StoreVehicleWasRandom = *(bool*)0x95CDBC; CMissionCleanup(&CTheScripts::MissionCleanup) = *(CMissionCleanup*)0x8F2AD8; CUpsideDownCarCheck(&CTheScripts::UpsideDownCars) = *(CUpsideDownCarCheck*)0x6EE450; CStuckCarCheck(&CTheScripts::StuckCars) = *(CStuckCarCheck*)0x87C588; CMissionCleanup::CMissionCleanup() { Init(); } void CMissionCleanup::Init() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANUP; i++){ m_sEntities[i].type = CLEANUP_UNUSED; m_sEntities[i].id = 0; } } CMissionCleanupEntity* CMissionCleanup::FindFree() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANUP; i++){ if (m_sEntities[i].type == CLEANUP_UNUSED) return &m_sEntities[i]; } assert(0); return nil; } void CMissionCleanup::AddEntityToList(int32 id, uint8 type) { CMissionCleanupEntity* pNew = FindFree(); if (!pNew) return; pNew->id = id; pNew->type = type; m_bCount++; } void CMissionCleanup::RemoveEntityFromList(int32 id, uint8 type) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANUP; i++){ if (m_sEntities[i].type == type && m_sEntities[i].id == 0){ m_sEntities[i].id = 0; m_sEntities[i].type = CLEANUP_UNUSED; } } } void CMissionCleanup::Process() { CPopulation::m_AllRandomPedsThisType = -1; CPopulation::PedDensityMultiplier = 1.0f; CCarCtrl::CarDensityMultiplier = 1.0; FindPlayerPed()->m_pWanted->m_fCrimeSensitivity = 1.0f; TheCamera.Restore(); TheCamera.SetWidescreenOff(); DMAudio.ClearMissionAudio(); CWeather::ReleaseWeather(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_SPECIAL_CHARS; i++) CStreaming::SetMissionDoesntRequireSpecialChar(i); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CUTSCENE_OBJECTS; i++) CStreaming::SetMissionDoesntRequireModel(MI_CUTOBJ01 + i); CStreaming::ms_disableStreaming = false; CHud::m_ItemToFlash = -1; CHud::SetHelpMessage(nil, false); CUserDisplay::OnscnTimer.m_bDisabled = false; CWorld::Players[0].m_pPed->m_pWanted->m_IsIgnoredByCops = false; CWorld::Players[0].m_pPed->m_pWanted->m_IsIgnoredByEveryOne = false; CWorld::Players[0].MakePlayerSafe(false); CTheScripts::StoreVehicleIndex = -1; CTheScripts::StoreVehicleWasRandom = true; CTheScripts::UpsideDownCars.Init(); CTheScripts::StuckCars.Init(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CLEANUP; i++){ if (m_sEntities[i].type == CLEANUP_UNUSED) continue; switch (m_sEntities[i].type) { case CLEANUP_CAR: { CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetAt(m_sEntities[i].id); if (v) CTheScripts::CleanUpThisVehicle(v); break; } case CLEANUP_CHAR: { CPed* p = CPools::GetPedPool()->GetAt(m_sEntities[i].id); if (p) CTheScripts::CleanUpThisPed(p); break; } case CLEANUP_OBJECT: { CObject* o = CPools::GetObjectPool()->GetAt(m_sEntities[i].id); if (o) CTheScripts::CleanUpThisObject(o); break; } default: break; } } } /* NB: CUpsideDownCarCheck is not used by actual script at all * It has a weird usage: AreAnyCarsUpsideDown would fail any mission * just like death or arrest. */ void CUpsideDownCarCheck::Init() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex = -1; m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex = 0; } } bool CUpsideDownCarCheck::IsCarUpsideDown(int32 id) { CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetAt(id); return v->GetMatrix().GetUp()->z <= -0.97f && v->GetMoveSpeed().Magnitude() < 0.01f && v->GetTurnSpeed().Magnitude() < 0.02f; } void CUpsideDownCarCheck::UpdateTimers() { uint32 timeStep = CTimer::GetFrameTimeStepInMilliseconds(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ CVehicle* v = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetAt(m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex); if (v){ if (IsCarUpsideDown(m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex)) m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer += timeStep; else m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer = 0; }else{ m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex = -1; m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer = 0; } } } bool CUpsideDownCarCheck::AreAnyCarsUpsideDown() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex >= 0 && m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer > 1000) return true; } return false; } void CUpsideDownCarCheck::AddCarToCheck(int32 id) { uint16 index = 0; while (index < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS && m_sCars[index].m_nVehicleIndex >= 0) index++; if (index >= MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS) return; m_sCars[index].m_nVehicleIndex = id; m_sCars[index].m_nUpsideDownTimer = 0; } void CUpsideDownCarCheck::RemoveCarFromCheck(int32 id) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex == id){ m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex = -1; m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer = 0; } } } bool CUpsideDownCarCheck::HasCarBeenUpsideDownForAWhile(int32 id) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_UPSIDEDOWN_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex == id) return m_sCars[i].m_nUpsideDownTimer > 1000; } return false; } void CStuckCarCheckEntry::Reset() { m_nVehicleIndex = -1; m_vecPos = CVector(-5000.0f, -5000.0f, -5000.0f); m_nLastCheck = -1; m_fRadius = 0.0f; m_nStuckTime = 0; m_bStuck = false; } void CStuckCarCheck::Init() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS; i++) { m_sCars[i].Reset(); } } void CStuckCarCheck::Process() { uint32 timer = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex < 0) continue; if (timer <= m_sCars[i].m_nStuckTime + m_sCars[i].m_nLastCheck) continue; CVehicle* pv = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetAt(m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex); if (!pv){ m_sCars[i].Reset(); continue; } float distance = (pv->GetPosition() - m_sCars[i].m_vecPos).Magnitude(); m_sCars[i].m_bStuck = distance < m_sCars[i].m_fRadius; m_sCars[i].m_vecPos = pv->GetPosition(); m_sCars[i].m_nLastCheck = timer; } } void CStuckCarCheck::AddCarToCheck(int32 id, float radius, uint32 time) { CVehicle* pv = CPools::GetVehiclePool()->GetAt(id); if (!pv) return; int index = 0; while (index < MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS && m_sCars[index].m_nVehicleIndex >= 0) index++; /* Would be nice to return if index >= MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS... */ m_sCars[index].m_nVehicleIndex = id; m_sCars[index].m_vecPos = pv->GetPosition(); m_sCars[index].m_nLastCheck = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds(); m_sCars[index].m_fRadius = radius; m_sCars[index].m_nStuckTime = time; m_sCars[index].m_bStuck = false; } void CStuckCarCheck::RemoveCarFromCheck(int32 id) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex == id){ m_sCars[i].Reset(); } } } bool CStuckCarCheck::HasCarBeenStuckForAWhile(int32 id) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STUCK_CAR_CHECKS; i++){ if (m_sCars[i].m_nVehicleIndex == id) return m_sCars[i].m_bStuck; } return false; } WRAPPER void CTheScripts::CleanUpThisVehicle(CVehicle*) { EAXJMP(0x4548D0); } WRAPPER void CTheScripts::CleanUpThisPed(CPed*) { EAXJMP(0x4547A0); } WRAPPER void CTheScripts::CleanUpThisObject(CObject*) { EAXJMP(0x454910); } WRAPPER bool CTheScripts::IsPlayerOnAMission() { EAXJMP(0x439410); } WRAPPER void CTheScripts::ScriptDebugLine3D(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, int col, int col2) { EAXJMP(0x4534E0); } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x437AE0, &CMissionCleanup::Init, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437BA0, &CMissionCleanup::AddEntityToList, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437BD0, &CMissionCleanup::RemoveEntityFromList, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437C10, &CMissionCleanup::Process, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437DC0, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::Init, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437EE0, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::UpdateTimers, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437F80, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::AreAnyCarsUpsideDown, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437FB0, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::AddCarToCheck, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x437FE0, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::RemoveCarFromCheck, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x438010, &CUpsideDownCarCheck::HasCarBeenUpsideDownForAWhile, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x438050, &CStuckCarCheck::Init, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4380A0, &CStuckCarCheck::Process, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4381C0, &CStuckCarCheck::AddCarToCheck, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x438240, &CStuckCarCheck::RemoveCarFromCheck, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4382A0, &CStuckCarCheck::HasCarBeenStuckForAWhile, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES