#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "PedIK.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "General.h" #include "RwHelper.h" LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_torsoInfo = { DEGTORAD(50.0f), DEGTORAD(-50.0f), DEGTORAD(15.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(7.0f) }; LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_headInfo = { DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(10.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(5.0f) }; LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_headRestoreInfo = { DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(10.0f), DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(-45.0f), DEGTORAD(5.0f) }; LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_upperArmInfo = { DEGTORAD(20.0f), DEGTORAD(-100.0f), DEGTORAD(20.0f), DEGTORAD(70.0f), DEGTORAD(-70.0f), DEGTORAD(10.0f) }; LimbMovementInfo CPedIK::ms_lowerArmInfo = { DEGTORAD(80.0f), DEGTORAD(0.0f), DEGTORAD(20.0f), DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(-90.0f), DEGTORAD(5.0f) }; CPedIK::CPedIK(CPed *ped) { m_ped = ped; m_flags = 0; m_headOrient.phi = 0.0f; m_headOrient.theta = 0.0f; m_torsoOrient.phi = 0.0f; m_torsoOrient.theta = 0.0f; m_upperArmOrient.phi = 0.0f; m_upperArmOrient.theta = 0.0f; m_lowerArmOrient.phi = 0.0f; m_lowerArmOrient.theta = 0.0f; } void CPedIK::RotateTorso(AnimBlendFrameData *animBlend, LimbOrientation *limb, bool changeRoll) { RwFrame *f = animBlend->frame; RwMatrix *mat = CPedIK::GetWorldMatrix(RwFrameGetParent(f), RwMatrixCreate()); RwV3d upVector = { mat->right.z, mat->up.z, mat->at.z }; RwV3d rightVector; RwV3d pos = RwFrameGetMatrix(f)->pos; // rotation == 0 -> looking in y direction // left? vector float c = Cos(m_ped->m_fRotationCur); float s = Sin(m_ped->m_fRotationCur); rightVector.x = -(c*mat->right.x + s*mat->right.y); rightVector.y = -(c*mat->up.x + s*mat->up.y); rightVector.z = -(c*mat->at.x + s*mat->at.y); if(changeRoll){ // Used when aiming only involves over the legs.(canAimWithArm) // Automatically changes roll(forward rotation) axis of the parts above upper legs while moving, based on position of upper legs. // Not noticeable in normal conditions... RwV3d forwardVector; CVector inversedForward = CrossProduct(CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), mat->up); inversedForward.Normalise(); float dotProduct = DotProduct(mat->at, inversedForward); if(dotProduct > 1.0f) dotProduct = 1.0f; if(dotProduct < -1.0f) dotProduct = -1.0f; float alpha = Acos(dotProduct); if(mat->at.z < 0.0f) alpha = -alpha; forwardVector.x = s * mat->right.x - c * mat->right.y; forwardVector.y = s * mat->up.x - c * mat->up.y; forwardVector.z = s * mat->at.x - c * mat->at.y; float curYaw, curPitch; CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(mat, &curYaw, &curPitch); RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(f), &rightVector, RADTODEG(limb->theta), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(f), &upVector, RADTODEG(limb->phi - (curYaw - m_ped->m_fRotationCur)), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(f), &forwardVector, RADTODEG(alpha), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); }else{ // pitch RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(f), &rightVector, RADTODEG(limb->theta), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); // yaw RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(f), &upVector, RADTODEG(limb->phi), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); } RwFrameGetMatrix(f)->pos = pos; RwMatrixDestroy(mat); } void CPedIK::GetComponentPosition(RwV3d *pos, PedNode node) { RwFrame *f; RwMatrix *mat; f = m_ped->GetNodeFrame(node); mat = RwFrameGetMatrix(f); *pos = mat->pos; for (f = RwFrameGetParent(f); f; f = RwFrameGetParent(f)) RwV3dTransformPoints(pos, pos, 1, RwFrameGetMatrix(f)); } RwMatrix* CPedIK::GetWorldMatrix(RwFrame *source, RwMatrix *destination) { RwFrame *i; *destination = *RwFrameGetMatrix(source); for (i = RwFrameGetParent(source); i; i = RwFrameGetParent(i)) RwMatrixTransform(destination, RwFrameGetMatrix(i), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); return destination; } LimbMoveStatus CPedIK::MoveLimb(LimbOrientation &limb, float approxPhi, float approxTheta, LimbMovementInfo &moveInfo) { LimbMoveStatus result = ONE_ANGLE_COULDNT_BE_SET_EXACTLY; // phi if (limb.phi > approxPhi) { limb.phi -= moveInfo.yawD; } else if (limb.phi < approxPhi) { limb.phi += moveInfo.yawD; } if (Abs(limb.phi - approxPhi) < moveInfo.yawD) { limb.phi = approxPhi; result = ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY; } if (limb.phi > moveInfo.maxYaw || limb.phi < moveInfo.minYaw) { limb.phi = clamp(limb.phi, moveInfo.minYaw, moveInfo.maxYaw); result = ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX; } // theta if (limb.theta > approxTheta) { limb.theta -= moveInfo.pitchD; } else if (limb.theta < approxTheta) { limb.theta += moveInfo.pitchD; } if (Abs(limb.theta - approxTheta) < moveInfo.pitchD) limb.theta = approxTheta; else result = ONE_ANGLE_COULDNT_BE_SET_EXACTLY; if (limb.theta > moveInfo.maxPitch || limb.theta < moveInfo.minPitch) { limb.theta = clamp(limb.theta, moveInfo.minPitch, moveInfo.maxPitch); result = ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX; } return result; } bool CPedIK::RestoreGunPosn(void) { LimbMoveStatus limbStatus = MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, 0.0f, ms_torsoInfo); RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false); return limbStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY; } bool CPedIK::LookInDirection(float phi, float theta) { bool success = true; AnimBlendFrameData *frameData = m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]; RwFrame *frame = frameData->frame; RwMatrix *frameMat = RwFrameGetMatrix(frame); if (!(frameData->flag & AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION)) { frameData->flag |= AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION; CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchLocal(frameMat, &m_headOrient.phi, &m_headOrient.theta); } RwMatrix *worldMat = RwMatrixCreate(); worldMat = CPedIK::GetWorldMatrix(RwFrameGetParent(frame), worldMat); float alpha, beta; CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(worldMat, &alpha, &beta); RwMatrixDestroy(worldMat); alpha += m_torsoOrient.phi; float neededPhiTurn = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(phi - alpha); beta *= cos(neededPhiTurn); float neededThetaTurn = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(theta - beta); LimbMoveStatus headStatus = CPedIK::MoveLimb(m_headOrient, neededPhiTurn, neededThetaTurn, ms_headInfo); if (headStatus == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX) success = false; if (headStatus != ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY && !(m_flags & LOOKING)) { float remainingTurn = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(phi - m_ped->m_fRotationCur); if (CPedIK::MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, remainingTurn, theta, ms_torsoInfo)) success = true; } CMatrix nextFrame = CMatrix(frameMat); CVector framePos = nextFrame.GetPosition(); nextFrame.SetRotateZ(m_headOrient.theta); nextFrame.RotateX(m_headOrient.phi); nextFrame.GetPosition() += framePos; nextFrame.UpdateRW(); if (!(m_flags & LOOKING)) RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false); return success; } bool CPedIK::LookAtPosition(CVector const &pos) { float phiToFace = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints( pos.x, pos.y, m_ped->GetPosition().x, m_ped->GetPosition().y); float thetaToFace = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints( pos.z, (m_ped->GetPosition() - pos).Magnitude2D(), m_ped->GetPosition().z, 0.0f); return LookInDirection(phiToFace, thetaToFace); } bool CPedIK::PointGunInDirection(float phi, float theta) { bool result = true; bool b1 = false; float angle = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(phi - m_ped->m_fRotationCur); m_flags &= (~FLAG_1); m_flags |= LOOKING; if (m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM) { b1 = PointGunInDirectionUsingArm(angle, theta); angle = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(angle - m_upperArmOrient.phi); } if (b1) { if (m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM && m_torsoOrient.phi * m_upperArmOrient.phi < 0.0f) MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, m_torsoOrient.theta, ms_torsoInfo); } else { RwMatrix *matrix = GetWorldMatrix(RwFrameGetParent(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_UPPERARMR]->frame), RwMatrixCreate()); float yaw, pitch; ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(matrix, &yaw, &pitch); RwMatrixDestroy(matrix); LimbMoveStatus status = MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, angle, theta, ms_torsoInfo); if (status == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX) result = false; else if (status == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) m_flags |= FLAG_1; } if (TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() && m_flags & AIMS_WITH_ARM) RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, true); else RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false); return result; } bool CPedIK::PointGunInDirectionUsingArm(float phi, float theta) { bool result = false; RwFrame *frame = m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_UPPERARMR]->frame; RwMatrix *matrix = GetWorldMatrix(RwFrameGetParent(frame), RwMatrixCreate()); RwV3d upVector = { matrix->right.z, matrix->up.z, matrix->at.z }; float yaw, pitch; ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(matrix, &yaw, &pitch); RwMatrixDestroy(matrix); RwV3d rightVector = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; RwV3d forwardVector = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float uaPhi = phi - m_torsoOrient.phi - DEGTORAD(15.0f); LimbMoveStatus uaStatus = MoveLimb(m_upperArmOrient, uaPhi, CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(theta - pitch), ms_upperArmInfo); if (uaStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) { m_flags |= FLAG_1; result = true; } if (uaStatus == ANGLES_SET_TO_MAX) { float laPhi = uaPhi - m_upperArmOrient.phi; LimbMoveStatus laStatus; if (laPhi > 0.0f) laStatus = MoveLimb(m_lowerArmOrient, laPhi, -DEGTORAD(45.0f), ms_lowerArmInfo); else laStatus = MoveLimb(m_lowerArmOrient, laPhi, 0.0f, ms_lowerArmInfo); if (laStatus == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) { m_flags |= FLAG_1; result = true; } RwFrame *child = GetFirstChild(frame); RwV3d pos = RwFrameGetMatrix(child)->pos; RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(child), &forwardVector, RADTODEG(m_lowerArmOrient.theta), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(child), &rightVector, RADTODEG(-m_lowerArmOrient.phi), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwFrameGetMatrix(child)->pos = pos; } RwV3d pos = RwFrameGetMatrix(frame)->pos; RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(frame), &rightVector, RADTODEG(m_upperArmOrient.theta), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwMatrixRotate(RwFrameGetMatrix(frame), &upVector, RADTODEG(m_upperArmOrient.phi), rwCOMBINEPOSTCONCAT); RwFrameGetMatrix(frame)->pos = pos; return result; } bool CPedIK::PointGunAtPosition(CVector const& position) { return PointGunInDirection( CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(position.x, position.y, m_ped->GetPosition().x, m_ped->GetPosition().y), CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(position.z, Distance2D(m_ped->GetPosition(), position.x, position.y), m_ped->GetPosition().z, 0.0f)); } bool CPedIK::RestoreLookAt(void) { bool result = false; RwMatrix *mat = RwFrameGetMatrix(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->frame); if (m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag & AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION) { m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_HEAD]->flag &= (~AnimBlendFrameData::IGNORE_ROTATION); } else { float yaw, pitch; ExtractYawAndPitchLocal(mat, &yaw, &pitch); if (MoveLimb(m_headOrient, yaw, pitch, ms_headRestoreInfo) == ANGLES_SET_EXACTLY) result = true; } CMatrix matrix(mat); CVector pos = matrix.GetPosition(); matrix.SetRotateZ(m_headOrient.theta); matrix.RotateX(m_headOrient.phi); matrix.Translate(pos); matrix.UpdateRW(); if (!(m_flags & LOOKING)) MoveLimb(m_torsoOrient, 0.0f, 0.0f, ms_torsoInfo); if (!(m_flags & LOOKING)) RotateTorso(m_ped->m_pFrames[PED_MID], &m_torsoOrient, false); return result; } void CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchWorld(RwMatrixTag *mat, float *yaw, float *pitch) { float f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->up, CVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f); *yaw = HALFPI - Atan2(f, Sqrt(1.0f - f * f)); if (mat->up.x > 0.0f) *yaw = -*yaw; f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->right, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f); *pitch = HALFPI - Atan2(f, Sqrt(1.0f - f * f)); if (mat->up.z > 0.0f) *pitch = -*pitch; } void CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchLocal(RwMatrixTag *mat, float *yaw, float *pitch) { float f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->at, CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f); *yaw = HALFPI - Atan2(f, Sqrt(1.0f - f * f)); if (mat->at.y > 0.0f) *yaw = -*yaw; f = clamp(DotProduct(mat->right, CVector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)), -1.0f, 1.0f); *pitch = HALFPI - Atan2(f, Sqrt(1.0f - f * f)); if (mat->up.x > 0.0f) *pitch = -*pitch; } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x4ED0F0, &CPedIK::GetComponentPosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED060, &CPedIK::GetWorldMatrix, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4EDDB0, &CPedIK::RotateTorso, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED440, &CPedIK::MoveLimb, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4EDD70, &CPedIK::RestoreGunPosn, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED620, &CPedIK::LookInDirection, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED590, &CPedIK::LookAtPosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED9B0, &CPedIK::PointGunInDirection, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4EDB20, &CPedIK::PointGunInDirectionUsingArm, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED920, &CPedIK::PointGunAtPosition, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED810, &CPedIK::RestoreLookAt, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED140, &CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchWorld, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4ED2C0, &CPedIK::ExtractYawAndPitchLocal, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES